Recipe roasted king prawns with avocado, cucumber ball, wasabi mayonnaise and Andalusian glazed velvety
Preparation and rest
30 min
Cooking time
15 min
Recipe for 4 people
Ingrédients :
- Prawns 840g
- Butter 80g
- Avocado 1kg
- Cucumber 2,5kg
- Olive oil 800g
- Wine vinegar 400g
- Espelette pepper 2g
- Baby salad 80g
- Red peppers 1,8kg
- Green peppers 1,8kg
- Tomatoes 3,6kg
- 1 clove of garlic
- Cebette 14g
- Mayonnaise 400g
- Wasabi 8g
- Cucumber juice 80g
- Salt 5g
- Pepper 5g
step 1: prepare the ingredients
- Using a melon baller, scoop out the balls from a cucumber, scoop out the flesh from half an avocado and cut into cutlets.
- Fry the prawns in butter over a medium heat until evenly cooked and slow so that the upper part of the prawns is cooked.
- Adjust the seasoning at the end of cooking.
Mayonnaise :
Juice the cucumber and mix with the mayonnaise and wasabi.
Remove the skins from the peppers, then remove the threads and seeds inside.
Peel and seed the cucumber.
Peel the tomatoes (remove the skin by plunging them into boiling water for a few seconds), then crush the flesh.
Peel the garlic.
Remove the cloves of garlic.
Combine the cucumber, crushed tomatoes, roughly chopped peppers, Espelette chilli and crushed garlic clove in a blender.
Add the wine vinegar seasoning, salt, Espelette pepper and olive oil.
Blend the vegetables until smooth, adjusting the seasoning if necessary, and strain if a little grainy.
Set aside in a cool place.
Place the wasabi mayonnaise at the bottom of the plate and the cucumber, avocado and finely sliced fennel on top.
Add the prawns and finish with the herbs.
Arrange the Andalusian velouté on the side.