An original galette des Rois signed Fauchon
What if, this year, you drew the Kings with a Fauchon pancake? Discover the 2020 Fauchon pancake collection! Every year, the Fauchon pastry chef develops exclusive recipes to offer you the best galettes of the Parisian kings. You will love these galettes des Rois revisited, the promise of a festive and gourmet Epiphany!
The Fauchon almond galette des Rois combines the fondant of a delicious frangipane cream with the crispness of a Charentes butter puff pastry. Carefully gilded, this galette des Rois is an ode to greediness!
These galettes des Rois are available for four, six and eight people. You can also let yourself be tempted by the individual parts of the "galette des Rois" with almonds.
A Signature wafer
Fauchon is also revisiting the tradition of the sweet galette with a Signature Kings galette. François Daubinet wanted a galette with volume and to highlight the material, made with crispy, flaky cocoa milk bread, a cocoa fleur de sel shortbread dough and a cocoa rum frangipane.
To accompany your pancakes
You've set your sights on a tasty galette des Rois. What to drink with it? The Breton cider " La Flibuste ", balanced, fresh and light, which will be associated to perfection with your Fauchon wafers.