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Delivery of Mother's Day gifts

Discover our selection of Mother's Day gifts

The delivery of your Mother's Day gift

You don't have time to go to the store, or your mom lives far from home? Opt for the delivery of your Mother's Day gift! From the delivery of chocolate for Mother's Day to the delivery of champagne for Mother's Day, Fauchon offers you a beautiful selection of sweets for the greedy mother.

To make this special day a success, Fauchon makes every effort to deliver on time the gift that will please your mother.

A delivery of chocolate for Mother's Day

There is no risk of making a mistake if you opt for a Mother's Day chocolate delivery! Fruit of the know-how of Fauchon's master chocolate makers, the chocolates are presented in Coeur Boxes. Inside are delicious milk chocolates, caramel milk chocolates, dark chocolates, milk and dark praline chocolates...


A delivery of macaroons on the occasion of Mother's Day

A crunchy and airy shell, a deliciously melting heart... Elaborated by Fauchon pastry chefs, the macaroons are an ode to greediness! For your Mother's Day macaroon delivery, you can order a box of macaroons with assorted flavors (vanilla, lemon, pistachio and raspberry-pink or chocolate, raspberry-pink, chestnut-blackberry, salted butter caramel, pistachio and milk chocolate-passion fruit) and a bottle of champagne.

A delivery of wine for Mother's Day

For your Mother's Day champagne delivery, you can choose between brut or rosé champagne, alone or presented in a box. Let yourself be tempted by the "Tendresse et Gourmandise" box, which includes a tea box, a bottle of champagne and delicious chocolates. Fauchon ensures the delivery of wine for Mother's Day within 24h, 48h and 72 working hours after validation of the order.

Don't wait any longer to have a gourmet gift for your mother delivered right now, to the address of your choice anywhere in France.